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Price Increases from 1st January 2025

Scout Shops announced a price increase to all Programme and Award badges as of 1st December 2024. This will be reflected on our site from 1st January 2025 as shown below.

 Old RRP £New RRP £
Badge TypeInc VATex VATInc VATex VAT
You Shape£0.80£0.67£0.90£0.75

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External Orders

We have been approached by other groups asking if we can supply them with badges that are no longer available from Scout Stores.

If we have badges that are not needed by our own groups, we are happy to sell them externally. Please email our Badge Secretary with your requirements, together with your full name and address and how you would like the badges sent to you (1st, 2nd, recorded etc) and we will be happy to supply them to you – as soon as we can.

Thank you

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We are back!

Finally the shop is back up and running. Apologies for the long delay in getting it back online. The district moved to a new server for the website and in the move over, a lot of orders disappeared and so we had to go through a manual process of checking which orders had been processed, duplicated or removed.
I am very grateful to Clare Roe, who by keeping meticulous records, allowed us to get everything updated.

Clare has now handed over the role of Badge Secretary to Becca Wilson. I would like to thank Clare for her hard work over the past 2 and a half years. She did a great job moving us over to the online shop and I am very grateful to her for having stayed on for the past 9 months whilst we searched for a replacement.

You can contact Becca through the usual email address and place your orders online as you did before.

Thank you

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A few more tweeks

We have made a few more amendments following your feedback.

You can now see more items on the page – we have increased the number of rows visible and are reducing the size of the thumbnails so less scrolling through pages to find the badge you want.

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Improved Shopping Cart Functionality

After receiving feedback we have upgraded the Shopping Cart function.

You can now update the number of badges required directly in your basket.  So you can now click on “add to basket” and then adjust the amount required more easily within the basket that appears on the right hand side, either by clicking on the plus or minus buttons or over typing with the number of badges required.

We hope this makes things a bit easier for you.

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How do add more than one badge to my basket?

There a probably very few times when you only need to order one badge right?

You’ve got 20 cubs in your pack and they all just completed the same badge.  Well fear not, you don’t need to click on Add to Basket 20 times.

Instead if you click on the picture of the badge you will go to a new screen and see a box where you can over type the number of badges you want to order and then click add to basket.  Hey presto, your basket will be full of those 20 badges!

Also when you click on the badge you will see how many are in stock!

Hope that helps!

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Everyone’s online these days!

And now we are too!

It’s taken a while to get it up and running but we are now able to offer you the opportunity to order badges online.

You will be able to see what badges are in stock, which will hopefully help you.

Payment remains the same – via your group treasurer and collection also remains the same.

We hope you find this site useful. Please do let us know if you spot any mistakes – a lot of the uploading was done late at night so it’s quite possible there may be a few glitches!

Please give us your feedback too – positive and negative.

Thank you.